Terms of Use

Warwick Stuart Pty.Ltd. (ACN 124890 071) trading as Your Web Presence sets out the following terms and conditions for using Goods and Services (Web Presence, Professional Services, Training) provided by itself.

  • Any dependence, confidence or trust by you the purchaser or user of materials obtained from Warwick Stuart Pty. Ltd or Third-Party providers shall be at your own risk.
  • We reserve the right in our own discretion and without any obligation to create, modify, remove, enhance, update, and improve any of our goods and services and or any related content at any time.
  • The good and services provided by Warwick Stuart Pty. Ltd are on an “As Is” basis. We do not provide any form of warranty of any type for any goods and services provided by Warwick Stuart Pty. Ltd. Nor are we responsible for any warranties implied by any third-party providers who we have a relationship with.
  • In no event shall Warwick Stuart Pty. Ltd. be liable for any kind of damages with respect to any goods and services provided.
  • Warwick Stuart Pty. Ltd. asks our users to respect all intellectual property associated with all of its operation. All information provided by Warwick Stuart Pty. Ltd is copyright. It is protected by international laws and agreements of Australia.
  • Warwick Stuart Pty.Ltd. operates under Australian company law (see http://asic.gov.au/) . Any legal actions brought against Warwick Stuart Pty.Ltd. will be done so through the Australian Judicial System.
  • Warwick Stuart Pty. Ltd. asks our users to respect individual rights (race, creed, sex, religion) of others where they interact through any of the services provide by this company.
  • We choose the right to terminate any user accounts that infringe or violate any of our terms of use stated.

If you have any further questions, contact us.

Contact Us

EC Perkins 4503, AIF